
Who is Ashish Sinha? An inspiring international taekwondo athlete and businessman from India.

Interviewer: Hello, everyone! Today, we have a special guest with us, Ashish Sinha, who is not only an international taekwondo player but also a successful entrepreneur running a company as an co-founder called “Reliever.” Welcome, Ashish!

Ashish Sinha: Thank you for having me. I’m excited to be here.

Ashish Sinha

Interviewer: We’re thrilled to have you, Ashish. Let’s start by learning a bit more about your background. Can you tell us where and when you were born?

Ashish Sinha: Certainly. I was born on November 19, 1996, in Ballia, and my hometown is Deoria, Uttar Pradesh, India.

Interviewer: That’s interesting! Can you share some details about your educational journey?

Ashish Sinha: Of course. I pursued my Master’s degree at Lovely Professional University, where I had the opportunity to enhance my knowledge and skills in my chosen field.

Interviewer: That sounds like a great place for education. Now, moving on to your impressive achievements in Taekwondo. How did you get started with this sport?

Ashish Sinha: Taekwondo has always fascinated me since I was a child. I started my journey in taekwondo at a local club, and with hard work and dedication, I was able to represent my country on the international stage.

Before going ahead let us some details about Ashish Sinha:

NameAshish Sinha
Nationality Indian
Date of Birth19-11-1996
Birth PlaceBallia, Uttar Pradesh, India
Currently living inGorakhpur, Uttar Pradesh, India
EducationMaster of Physical Education
Martial StatusSingle
WorkE-Commerce Business
Source of IncomeBusiness

Physical Stats :

Height6′ Feet
Weight73 kg
Eye ColourBlack
Hair ColourBlack
HobbiesWriting and Playing

Interviewer: That’s truly inspiring, Ashish. Can you tell us about some of your notable achievements as an international taekwondo player?

Ashish Sinha: I’ve had the privilege of representing India at various international taekwondo competitions. One of my proudest moments was winning a medal at the International Taekwondo Championships. It was a challenging journey, but it taught me the importance of perseverance and discipline.

Interviewer: Impressive! Now, let’s talk about your entrepreneurial journey. How did you come up with the idea as a co-founder for your company, “Reliever“?

Ashish Sinha: The idea for Reliever came to me when I saw the need for quality health and wellness products that are easily accessible to people. I wanted to create a platform where individuals could find products to improve their well- being conveniently.

Interviewer: Ashish, Before moving ahead to know more about your business and various achievements? Can you tell us who was the person who always had your back? Who supported to grow in this much in your life?

Ashish Sinha: I would love to mention the most important people of my life who has always been there for me, no matter what. My father, Mr. Kaushal Sinha always cheered me up for everything and helped in every aspect. My brother, Mr. Prasann Sriwastava, who has always encouraged and motivated me to perform best. And as we all know, without our Mother, no matter what we achieve we are nothing. She also supported me in every possible way and cheered me up everyday. Today, whatever I am, I just want to thank to these people and tell them they are the reason behind my every success. Thank You Dad. Thank You Mom. Thanks Bhai.

Interviewer: That’s a noble endeavour. Can you tell us more about the products and mission of “Reliever“?

Ashish Sinha: Certainly. Reliever is dedicated to providing a wide range of health and wellness products that help people lead healthier lives. Our mission is to make these products affordable and accessible to everyone, promoting a healthier society.

Interviewer: It’s great to see your commitment to health and well-being. Lastly, can you share some insights into your life in Gorakhpur, where you currently reside?

Ashish Sinha: Gorakhpur is a vibrant city with a rich cultural heritage. I enjoy living here, and it provides a supportive environment for both my taekwondo training and my business ventures. The people here are warm and welcoming, which makes it a wonderful place to call home.

Interviewer: Thank you, Ashish, for sharing your incredible journey with us. Your achievements in both taekwondo and entrepreneurship are truly inspiring. We wish you continued success in all your endeavours.

Ashish Sinha: Thank you so much for having me, and I hope my story can inspire others to pursue their passions and dreams.

Interviewer: Ashish, your journey is indeed inspiring, and we’d love to know more about the balance you maintain between your taekwondo career and your e-commerce business. How do you manage your time effectively to excel in both areas?

Ashish Sinha: Balancing both taekwondo and my e-commerce business has been a challenging but rewarding experience. Time management is key. I ensure that I allocate specific hours for training, maintaining my physical fitness, and staying updated with taekwondo developments. Simultaneously, I’ve built a dedicated team at Reliever who share the company’s vision and help manage the day-to-day operations.

Interviewer: That’s a great approach, Ashish. Can you share some insights into the values and principles that have guided you on your journey to success?

Ashish Sinha: Certainly. Integrity, discipline, and perseverance have been my guiding principles. In taekwondo, I’ve learned the value of discipline and hard work. In business, maintaining integrity and being honest with our customers is crucial. Perseverance is essential in both aspects of my life; it helps me overcome challenges and keeps me moving forward.

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Interviewer: Those are valuable principles indeed. As someone who’s achieved success in both sports and business, what advice would you give to young individuals aspiring to pursue their passions and entrepreneurial dreams?

Ashish Sinha: My advice to young individuals would be to believe in themselves and their dreams. Passion and hard work are the driving forces behind any successful journey. Never be afraid to take risks and learn from failures. Surround yourself with a supportive network of friends, mentors, and teammates who can encourage and guide you on your path to success.

Interviewer: Ashish, As we know you have written a bookAbhagi”. Can we know more details about the book? & What is your aim behind writing the book?

Ashish Sinha : I have faced many challenges my life and I wanted to inspire and motivate others by sharing their own experiences and how they overcame obstacles. So with “Abhagi“, I aim to provide readers with practical advice, strategies, or mindset shifts that can empower them to improve their lives, achieve their goals, or find greater happiness and fulfilment.

Interviewer: Wise words, Ashish. Finally, what are your future goals and aspirations in both taekwondo and your business venture, “Reliever“?

Ashish Sinha: In taekwondo, I aim to continue representing India at International competitions and strive for excellence. I also hope to inspire more young talents to take up the sport and reach new heights. For “Reliever,” I want to expand our product range, reach more customers, and contribute to the well-being of people worldwide. Ultimately, my goal is to create a positive impact both in the sporting world and the health and wellness industry.

Interviewer: Ashish, your determination and vision are truly commendable. We’re confident that you’ll continue to achieve great success in both your taekwondo career and your business. Thank you for joining us today and sharing your incredible journey.

Ashish Sinha: Thank you once again for having me, and I appreciate the opportunity to share my story. I hope it inspires others to follow their dreams and make a difference in the world.

Interviewer: Absolutely, Ashish. Your story is one of determination and inspiration. Before we conclude, could you share any memorable experiences or challenges that stand out in your taekwondo career or as an entrepreneur?

Ashish Sinha: Certainly, One memorable experience in my Taekwondo career was when I had the honour of representing India at the World Taekwondo Championships, Hanmadang. Competing on such a global stage was a dream come true and a reminder of how hard work pays off.

As an entrepreneur, I faced the challenge of starting “Reliever” from scratch. Building a business requires dedication, patience, and overcoming obstacles along the way. There were times when it felt daunting, but with the support of my team and my unwavering belief in our mission, we pushed through and achieved significant milestones.

List of Ashish’s Achievements:

All India Inter University Championship
National Championship
International Championship
Selected As Trainees In Sports Authority Of India
Ashish receiving prize

Ashish receiving prize

Interviewer: It’s clear that you’ve overcome many challenges on your path to success. Your determination and resilience are truly commendable. Now, let’s touch upon the community and giving back. Have you been involved in any philanthropic activities or initiatives to give back to society?

Ashish Sinha: Yes, giving back to the community is essential to me. I’ve been involved in organising taekwondo workshops and training sessions for underprivileged children, aiming to promote fitness and discipline among them. Additionally, through “Reliever,” we’ve initiated programs to donate health and wellness products to organizations working with vulnerable populations. It’s important to me that we make a positive impact beyond business and sports.

Interviewer: That’s wonderful to hear, Ashish. Making a positive impact on the community is a noble endeavor. As we wrap up, what would you like to say to your supporters, fans, and customers who have been with you on this journey?

Ashish Sinha: To all my supporters, fans, and customers, I want to express my heartfelt gratitude. Your unwavering support and encouragement have been my driving force. Please continue to believe in me, in “Reliever,” and in the power of pursuing your passions and dreams. Together, we can achieve great things and make a difference in the world.

Interviewer: Thank you, Ashish, for sharing your remarkable journey and your vision for the future. We’re inspired by your story, and we wish you the very best in all your endeavours , both in taekwondo and as an entrepreneur.

Ashish Sinha: Thank you so much. It’s been a pleasure sharing my story with everyone. I hope it inspires others to chase their dreams and make a positive impact in their own unique ways.

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