
Who is Steeve Marcoux?: The President of SuperMedic and Sauvezdesvies

Q1: Can you share more about your professional journey and how you became the President of SuperMedic.ca and Sauvezdesvies.ca?

Steeve Marcoux: Certainly. My professional journey began at the age of 21 when I founded my company after six years of learning and teaching first aid. My expertise includes lifeguard training, swimming and aquatic safety, CPR instruction, and Red Cross instruction. The impetus for specializing in this field goes back to a traumatic incident at the age of 15. I encountered a road emergency where a child was injured – a little girl was hit by a vehicle. Unfortunately, unable to save her and lacking the knowledge on what to do, she passed away right in front of me, laying beside the road. This tragic event became a catalyst for my commitment to first aid and emergency response.

Q2: As the President of SuperMedic.ca and Sauvezdesvies.ca, what are the primary goals and missions of these organizations?

Steeve Marcoux: The primary goals of SuperMedic.ca and Sauvezdesvies.ca revolve around promoting and providing education and training in first aid and emergency response. We aim to empower individuals with the knowledge and skills needed to save lives in critical situations. Whether through courses, workshops, or awareness campaigns, our mission is to make first aid accessible to as many people as possible, ultimately contributing to a safer and more prepared community. Our mission is to save more lives with more capacitated people not only in the initial training but with continuous training.

Q3: Could you elaborate on your role as an author, particularly regarding your books “La Clef de votre destin,” Volumes 1 and 2?

Steeve Marcoux: Certainly. As an author, I’ve penned the books “La Clef de votre destin,” Volumes 1 and 2. These works delve into topics related to personal development, empowerment, and unlocking one’s potential. Drawing from my experiences in both the business and personal realms, these books aim to inspire readers to take control of their destinies, overcome challenges, and lead fulfilling lives. The teachings encompass a holistic approach to well-being, touching on aspects of both professional and personal growth. No matter what the key is for someone, it can open doors that others cannot.

Q4: How do your hobbies, such as playing the piano, gardening, cooking, hitting the gym, and drawing, contribute to your overall well-being and balance in life?

Steeve Marcoux: My hobbies play a crucial role in maintaining a balanced and fulfilling life. Playing the piano allows me to express creativity and find solace in music. Gardening provides a connection to nature and a therapeutic outlet. Cooking is a delightful way to unwind and indulge in the joy of creating delicious meals. Hitting the gym contributes to physical well-being and is an essential aspect of a healthy lifestyle. Lastly, drawing serves as another means of expressing creativity. Together, these activities contribute to my overall well-being, helping me find joy, relaxation, and inspiration in different facets of life.

Q5: What motivated your move from Montreal, Canada, to Mexico, and how has this change impacted your personal and professional life?

Steeve Marcoux: The decision to move from Québec Canada to Mezcales, Nayarit Mexico was driven by a desire for a change in environment and lifestyle. Mexico offers a vibrant culture, beautiful landscapes, and a different pace of life. This change has had a positive impact on both my personal and professional life, providing new perspectives, experiences, and opportunities. It has allowed me to immerse myself in a different culture, connect with diverse communities, and broaden my horizons.

Q6: In your journey of entrepreneurship, what lessons have you learned, and what advice would you give to aspiring business leaders?

Steeve Marcoux: The journey of entrepreneurship has taught me valuable lessons. One crucial lesson is the importance of resilience in the face of challenges. Aspiring business leaders should embrace change, learn from setbacks, and continuously adapt. Building strong relationships and fostering a positive work culture are also key. My advice is to stay passionate about your mission, prioritize ethical business practices, and never underestimate the impact of ongoing learning. Surround yourself with a supportive team and be open to evolving with the dynamic nature of the business landscape. The most important lesson is to NEVER FEAR. Always trust the universe as long as you fulfill your mission.

Q7: Can you share a bit about your family and how their support contributes to your personal and professional endeavors?

Steeve Marcoux: I am happily married to Christian Charbonneau, and we share our home with three charming Chihuahuas named Lilou, Coco, and Lio. The support of my family is invaluable in both my personal and professional endeavors. Their encouragement and understanding provide a solid foundation, allowing me to pursue my passions and commitments. Family support fosters a positive environment, enabling me to navigate challenges and celebrate successes with the people I care about the most.

Q8: As a multifaceted individual, how do you manage your time effectively between your roles as a business leader, author, and someone with diverse hobbies?

Steeve Marcoux: Effectively managing my time involves careful planning and prioritization. Each role, whether as a business leader, author, or pursuing hobbies, holds significance in my life. I allocate dedicated time to each, ensuring that I can fully immerse myself in the task at hand. Setting clear priorities and maintaining a structured schedule help strike a balance between professional and personal pursuits. Flexibility is also key, allowing me to adapt to changing demands and make the most of each moment. The hand written to-do-list is always and will always be the most effective tool. There’s nothing more satisfying than cross off a task.

Q9: In your journey, what achievements are you most proud of, and what goals do you still aspire to achieve?

Steeve Marcoux: One of the achievements I am most proud of is the establishment and growth of SuperMedic.ca and Sauvezdesvies.ca. Knowing that these organizations contribute to saving lives and empowering communities brings immense pride. As for goals, I aspire to continue expanding the reach and impact of our educational initiatives. Additionally, I aim to further contribute to the field of personal development through writing and speaking engagements. Ultimately, my ongoing goal is to make a positive difference in the lives of individuals and communities, both in Canada and beyond.

Q10: Can you share more about the impact and reach of SuperMedic.ca and Sauvezdesvies.ca in terms of the number of individuals trained and communities positively influenced?

Steeve Marcoux: The impact of SuperMedic.ca and Sauvezdesvies.ca has been substantial in terms of the number of individuals trained and the positive influence on communities. Over the years, we have successfully trained a significant number of people in first aid and emergency response techniques. The ripple effect of this training extends beyond individuals to entire communities, creating a more prepared and safety-conscious environment. Our initiatives have reached diverse demographics, from schools and workplaces to community groups, fostering a culture of safety and empowerment. And now we have more than 200 000 clients either trained or equipped, or both.

Q11: How do you envision the future of first aid education, and what advancements or changes would you like to see in this field?

Steeve Marcoux: The future of first aid education holds exciting possibilities. I envision a more technologically integrated approach that leverages digital platforms for widespread accessibility. Interactive online courses, virtual reality simulations, and innovative teaching methods could enhance the learning experience. Additionally, increased collaboration between educational institutions, businesses, and communities can further promote the importance of first aid. I would also like to see a continued emphasis on inclusivity, ensuring that first aid education is accessible to individuals of all ages and backgrounds.

Q12: As an individual with a strong sense of social responsibility, how do you channel your efforts towards giving back to society or contributing to charitable causes?

Steeve Marcoux: Social responsibility is integral to my values, and I channel my efforts towards giving back to society in various ways. Through SuperMedic.ca and Sauvezdesvies.ca, we actively engage in community outreach programs, offering discounted or free first aid training to underserved groups. Additionally, I support charitable causes aligned with healthcare, education, and community well-being. Whether through direct contributions or participating in awareness campaigns, the goal is to contribute positively to societal needs and make a meaningful impact where it is needed the most. Our Rescuelives Foundation is there to teach to teenagers from 14 to 20 years old on how to do CPR. We have trained more than 2000 new first aiders that are surely contributing the 25% less drowning in the past few years in the province of Québec.

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Q13: In your experience, how has your background in lifeguard training and aquatic safety contributed to your overall approach to first aid education?

Steeve Marcoux: My background in lifeguard training and aquatic safety has significantly influenced my approach to first aid education. Lifeguard training instills a sense of urgency, precision, and adaptability—qualities crucial in emergency response situations. This experience has translated into a dynamic and hands-on approach to teaching first aid, emphasizing practical skills and real-world scenarios. The focus on prevention, quick decision-making, and effective communication, inherent in lifeguard training, shapes the comprehensive and impactful nature of our first aid education programs.

Q14: As someone who started a business at a young age, what advice would you give to young entrepreneurs who aspire to follow a similar path?

Steeve Marcoux: To young entrepreneurs embarking on a similar path, my advice is to cultivate resilience, curiosity, and a passion for learning. Embrace challenges as opportunities for growth and view setbacks as valuable lessons. Surround yourself with mentors and a supportive network, seek guidance when needed, and stay open to adapting your strategies. Be persistent in pursuing your goals, prioritize ethical business practices, and maintain a clear vision of your mission. Most importantly, let your passion drive you, and never underestimate the impact of hard work, dedication, and continuous self-improvement. A good advice is to look at every problem as being a wall hiding a better solution. Like I say in my book, consider problems as enigmas to be solved.

Q15: Could you share a memorable success story or a moment where the training provided by SuperMedic.ca and Sauvezdesvies.ca made a significant impact?

Steeve Marcoux: One memorable success story involves an individual who, after receiving training from SuperMedic.ca, found themselves in a situation where someone was in cardiac arrest. The trained individual successfully performed CPR until professional help arrived, ultimately saving a life. This powerful example underscores the tangible impact of first aid training in real-life emergencies. It serves as a testament to the effectiveness of our programs and reinforces the importance of widespread first aid education in empowering individuals to act confidently and decisively in critical situations. Lately one of the trained client recovered his finger due to his training.

Q16: What legacy do you aspire to leave through your work, both in the field of first aid education and as an author?

Steeve Marcoux: The legacy I aspire to leave is one of empowerment, compassion, and positive impact. Through SuperMedic.ca and Sauvezdesvies.ca, I aim to contribute to a world where individuals possess the knowledge and skills to save lives and create safer communities. As an author, my legacy is intertwined with inspiring personal development and unlocking human potential. I hope to be remembered as someone who made a meaningful difference in the lives of others, fostering a culture of safety, well-being, and continuous growth.

Q17: How do you balance the responsibilities of being a business leader, author, and advocate for first aid education, all while maintaining a focus on personal well-being?

Steeve Marcoux: Balancing these diverse responsibilities involves careful time management, prioritization, and a commitment to personal well-being. Setting clear boundaries, delegating tasks where necessary, and maintaining a support system are crucial. Regular self-care practices, including engaging in hobbies, exercise, and quality time with loved ones, contribute to overall well-being. It’s a constant process of assessing priorities, staying adaptable, and recognizing when to recharge. Balancing professional and personal aspects ensures sustained effectiveness and fulfillment in each facet of life.

Q18: Your move from Montreal, Canada, to Mexico indicates a significant change in environment. How has this transition influenced your perspective on life and work?

Steeve Marcoux: The transition from Québec City, a French community, to Mezcales, a Spanish one has been transformative in both my perspective on life and work. Living in Mexico has exposed me to a vibrant culture, diverse landscapes, and a different pace of life. This change has enriched my understanding of global diversity, fostering a more inclusive and open-minded approach to both personal and professional interactions. It has also provided new inspirations for my work, allowing me to draw from the unique experiences and perspectives that Mexico offers. Overall, this transition has broadened my horizons and contributed to a more holistic outlook on life.

Q19: Could you share insights into your experiences with long-lasting GPS trackers (geotrace.nl) and your venture into creating a vertical farm for lettuce cultivation?

Steeve Marcoux: My involvement with long-lasting GPS trackers through geotrace.nl reflects my interest in applying technology to real-world solutions. The trackers aim to address the need for reliable and durable tracking solutions, contributing to enhanced security and efficiency in various industries. On the other hand, the venture into creating a vertical farm for lettuce cultivation aligns with my passion for sustainable and innovative practices. This project aims to optimize space, reduce environmental impact, and provide a fresh and locally sourced produce. Both endeavors represent a commitment to leveraging technology and sustainable practices for practical and impactful solutions.

Q20: As someone deeply involved in the online field, how do you integrate your knowledge into physical world projects, such as the vertical farm and GPS trackers?

Steeve Marcoux: Integrating my knowledge from the online field into physical world projects involves a strategic and holistic approach. For projects like the vertical farm and GPS trackers, technology serves as a foundational element. In the case of the vertical farm, online techniques may be applied to monitor and optimize conditions, ensuring efficient and sustainable cultivation. Similarly, for GPS trackers, the integration of online platforms facilitates real-time tracking and data analysis. By leveraging my online expertise, I aim to enhance the functionality, efficiency, and overall impact of these physical world projects.

Q21: As an international debater, how has your experience in debating and participating in Model United Nations conferences influenced your perspective on global issues?

Steeve Marcoux: Participating in Model United Nations conferences and engaging in international debate has significantly influenced my perspective on global issues. These experiences provide a unique platform to delve into diverse topics, engage with different viewpoints, and gain insights into the complexities of global affairs. Debating encourages critical thinking, research, and effective communication—all of which contribute to a more nuanced understanding of world issues. This exposure has broadened my awareness of the interconnectedness of global challenges and reinforced the importance of collaborative and diplomatic solutions in addressing them.

Q22: What drives your aim to become the world’s best debater, and how do you continue to enhance your skills in debating and Model United Nations participation?

Steeve Marcoux: The drive to become the world’s best debater is fueled by a passion for intellectual engagement, advocacy, and contributing to meaningful discussions on a global scale. To enhance my skills in debating and Model United Nations participation, I actively seek opportunities for continuous learning and participation in diverse forums. This involves staying informed about current affairs, refining research techniques, honing public speaking skills, and engaging in constructive dialogue with peers. The pursuit of excellence in debating is a dynamic and ongoing journey of self-improvement, intellectual growth, and a commitment to making a positive impact in the world.

Q23: With your dedication to helping entrepreneurs grow independently, what do you see as the key challenges and opportunities in the current business landscape, especially for those venturing into the online sphere?

Steeve Marcoux: In the current business landscape, especially in the online sphere, key challenges for entrepreneurs include navigating competition, staying updated on technological advancements, and building a distinct online identity. The opportunities lie in the accessibility of global markets, the potential for innovative solutions, and the ability to connect with a diverse audience. Entrepreneurs can capitalize on the digital landscape by embracing trends, fostering creativity, and leveraging platforms like WEMASY for strategic guidance. While challenges exist, the dynamic nature of the online sphere also presents immense possibilities for growth and success for those equipped with the right knowledge and approach.

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