
Who is PROF. A.V.V. RAJU? An inspiring businessman from Warangal.

Interview with PROF. A.V.V. RAJU

Ampojwalam Vishnu Vardhan Raju, (PROF. A.V.V. RAJU) a prominent figure in the Indian business landscape, is a visionary leader known for his multifaceted contributions. Born on April 10, 1962, in Warangal, India, Mr. Raju has built an illustrious career spanning education, construction, real estate, and various other sectors. As the chairman of the Vishwa Bharathi group of Institutions, founder of Bharathi business machines international, and an avid supporter of organic farming, aquaculture, and skill development, he has left an indelible mark on diverse industries. His journey from an IES officer to a dynamic entrepreneur showcases his commitment to innovation, sustainability, and the holistic development of individuals and society.

Interviewer: Mr. Raju, thank you for joining us today. Can you tell us a bit about your journey and how you transitioned from being an IES officer to a prominent figure in the business world?

Answer: Certainly. After my service with the Indian Railways, I felt a calling towards education. In 1992, I founded educational institutions, which eventually led to the establishment of Vishwa Bharathi University in 2003.

Interviewer: Your involvement spans across various industries. How do you balance your roles in education, construction, real estate, and other sectors?

Answer: It’s all about delegation and having a dedicated team. Each sector has its challenges, but with a competent team, it becomes manageable.

Interviewer: As the chairman of Vishwa Bharathi group of Institutions, what is your vision for the education sector in India?

Answer: My vision is to provide quality education that combines traditional values with modern knowledge, preparing students for the challenges of the future.

Interviewer: You’re also a founder of Bharathi business machines international. Can you shed some light on your ventures in kiosk machines and electric vehicles?

Answer: Certainly. We aim to provide innovative solutions through kiosk machines, making services accessible. In the electric vehicle sector, we focus on sustainability, promoting eco-friendly transportation.

Interviewer: With your involvement in bio-diesel and solar power plants, how do you envision contributing to a greener future?

Answer: Sustainable practices are crucial. We invest in bio-diesel and solar power to reduce our carbon footprint, contributing to a cleaner and greener environment.

Interviewer: Your entry into construction and real estate has been noteworthy. What principles guide your approach in these industries?

Answer: Transparency and systematic planning are key. We believe in creating spaces that enhance the quality of life while supporting young entrepreneurs through our ventures.

Interviewer: Moving to your involvement in skill development, how do you see this contributing to the overall growth of the nation?

Answer: Skill development is vital for economic growth. By training and placing thousands of students, we contribute to the workforce, fostering a skilled and empowered society.

Interviewer: You’ve been a supporter of organic farming and aquaculture. How do you promote these practices?

Answer: Agriculture is the backbone of our nation. We actively promote organic farming and aquaculture, emphasizing sustainable practices and ensuring quality produce.

Interviewer: Being an investor in startups, what qualities do you look for in entrepreneurs and their ventures?

Answer: I seek passion, innovation, and a commitment to ethical business practices. Supporting startups is about nurturing potential and fostering a spirit of entrepreneurship.

Interviewer: Your journey involves constant expansion. How do you identify new opportunities and decide which sectors to enter?

Answer: Market research and a forward-thinking approach are crucial. We assess the evolving landscape, identify gaps, and strategically enter sectors that align with our vision.

Interviewer: With a background in electrical engineering, how has your technical expertise influenced your business decisions?

Answer: It has provided a strong foundation. Understanding the technical aspects enables informed decision-making, especially in sectors like electric vehicles and solar power.

Interviewer: In your multifaceted career, what achievements are you most proud of?

Answer: Establishing a prominent educational institution and contributing to skill development are among my proudest achievements. Empowering the youth and shaping their futures is immensely gratifying.

Interviewer: Your involvement in various sectors requires a considerable amount of time. How do you manage your personal and professional life?

Answer: Balancing personal and professional life is challenging but essential. Prioritization and effective time management are key to maintaining harmony.

Interviewer: As a successful entrepreneur, what advice do you have for aspiring business leaders?

Answer: Stay true to your values, be adaptable, and never stop learning. Surround yourself with a dedicated team, and success will follow.

Interviewer: You’ve been in the business for several decades. How do you stay motivated and innovative?

Answer: Continuous learning and staying attuned to industry trends keep me motivated. Innovation stems from an open mind and a willingness to embrace change.

Interviewer: Your wife, Dr. A. Bharathi, is a professor. How does her academic background complement your business endeavors?

Answer: Her academic insights provide a valuable perspective. It adds depth to our educational initiatives, ensuring a well-rounded and holistic approach to learning.

Interviewer: With your extensive network, how do you foster collaboration and partnerships in the business world?

Answer: Building relationships is fundamental. Trust, mutual respect, and shared values form the basis of successful collaborations and partnerships.

Interviewer: In the realm of education, what challenges do you foresee, and how do you plan to address them?

Answer: Adapting to evolving educational trends and technological advancements is an ongoing challenge. We strive to stay ahead by incorporating innovative teaching methods and technologies.

Interviewer: You have been associated with Vishwa Bharathi University in Raipur. How do you see the role of universities in shaping the future of students?

Answer: Universities play a crucial role in shaping not just careers but entire lives. They provide the foundation for holistic development, nurturing future leaders and contributors to society.

Interviewer: Diversification seems to be a key aspect of your business strategy. How do you ensure success in diverse industries?

Answer: Understanding the unique challenges of each industry, having a dedicated team, and a commitment to excellence are the cornerstones of success in diverse sectors.

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Interviewer: What inspired you to enter the field of skill development in collaboration with the Government of India?

Answer: Recognizing the importance of skilled manpower for national development inspired our entry into skill development. It’s a way to give back to society and contribute to the country’s progress.

Interviewer: In your journey, have you faced any setbacks, and how did you overcome them?

Answer: Setbacks are inevitable in any journey. The key is resilience. Learning from failures, adapting, and moving forward with determination have been my approach.

Interviewer: Your interest in reading books is evident. Can you share some books that have influenced your business philosophy?

Answer: “Good to Great” by Jim Collins and “The Lean Startup” by Eric Ries have been influential. They offer valuable insights into building successful and sustainable enterprises.

Interviewer: What role do you see technology playing in the future of education and business?

Answer: Technology is transformative. In education, it enhances learning experiences, and in business, it drives innovation and efficiency. Embracing technology is essential for staying relevant.

Interviewer: As someone deeply involved in construction and real estate, how do you approach sustainable development?

Answer: Sustainable development is a responsibility. We incorporate eco-friendly practices in construction, ensuring that our projects contribute positively to the environment.

Interviewer: Your contributions to the agricultural sector are commendable. How do you promote organic farming and aquaculture?

Answer: We actively engage with farmers, providing knowledge and resources for organic farming. In aquaculture, we promote sustainable practices to safeguard the health of our water bodies.

Interviewer: With your background in electrical engineering, how do you see the future of electric vehicles shaping up?

Answer: The future of electric vehicles is promising. Advancements in technology and growing environmental consciousness will drive their widespread adoption.

Interviewer: Being a supporter of startups, how do you see their role in shaping the future economy?

Answer: Startups are the driving force of innovation. They bring fresh ideas, agility, and disruption, contributing significantly to economic growth and job creation.

Interviewer: What legacy do you hope to leave through your contributions to various sectors?

Answer: I aspire to leave a legacy of empowerment and positive impact. Whether in education, business, or agriculture, I hope to be remembered for contributing to the betterment of individuals and society.

Interviewer: Finally, what motivates you to continue expanding and contributing to diverse sectors?

Answer: The desire to make a meaningful difference propels me forward. Contributing to society, empowering individuals, and leaving a lasting impact are the driving forces behind my continuous journey of expansion and contribution.

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