
Who is Kanav Singh Arora?: A young entrepreneur and student from Delhi.

Interviewer: Can you tell us a bit about yourself, Kanav?

Kanav Singh Arora: Of course! I’m Kanav Singh Arora, an 18-year-old entrepreneur and student from Delhi, India. I was born on July 9, 2005, and I’m a proud Sikh.

Interviewer: That’s great, Kanav. Can you share more about your business and how you got started?

Kanav Singh Arora: Certainly! I ventured into business when I was just 16. It all began with small online sales and creating videos. Over time, I managed to gather 173k followers and 4.5 lakh subscribers.

Interviewer: Impressive growth! Aside from your business, what are your other interests?

Kanav Singh Arora: I have a keen interest in animals, especially exotic ones like snakes and lizards. I find joy in keeping and caring for them.

Interviewer: It’s fascinating that you enjoy animals. Could you share more about your brand, Zimmer?

Kanav Singh Arora: Zimmer is a brand I own. It’s been a significant part of my entrepreneurial journey, contributing to my income source.

Interviewer: Being an entrepreneur and student must be challenging. How do you balance both aspects of your life?

Kanav Singh Arora: It’s all about effective time management and prioritizing tasks. I ensure I allocate time for both my studies and business, maintaining a balance.

Interviewer: What motivated you to start your entrepreneurial journey at such a young age?

Kanav Singh Arora: I believe in taking opportunities as they come. I was inspired by the potential of online platforms and saw a chance to turn my interests into a business.

Interviewer: That’s a proactive approach. Moving on, can you share a bit about your upbringing in Delhi?

Kanav Singh Arora: I was born and brought up in Delhi, a city with a rich cultural heritage. The diversity and vibrancy of the place have certainly influenced my perspectives.

Interviewer: As a Sikh, how does your religion play a role in your life and business?

Kanav Singh Arora: Sikhism has instilled values of honesty, hard work, and compassion in me. These principles guide my actions both in personal life and business.

Interviewer: Tell us about your favorite hobbies outside of work and studies.

Kanav Singh Arora: I’m passionate about cars, and I find joy in learning about different makes and models. It’s a hobby that allows me to relax and unwind.

Interviewer: With your significant following online, do you feel a sense of responsibility toward your audience?

Kanav Singh Arora: Absolutely. I’m aware of the influence I have, and I strive to share content that is positive, informative, and resonates with my audience.

Interviewer: Looking back, is there any advice you’d give to your younger self when you were just starting?

Kanav Singh Arora: I would tell my younger self to embrace challenges and failures as opportunities to learn and grow. Every setback is a stepping stone to success.

Interviewer: How do you envision the future of your business and personal growth?

Kanav Singh Arora: I see my business expanding and evolving with time. Personally, I aim to continue learning and exploring new avenues that align with my interests and aspirations.

Interviewer: What’s one achievement you’re particularly proud of in your journey so far?

Kanav Singh Arora: Building a brand like Zimmer and seeing the positive response from my audience has been a source of immense pride for me.

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Interviewer: Let’s switch gears a bit. How do you manage stress and pressure, given your dual roles as a student and entrepreneur?

Kanav Singh Arora: I find relaxation in my hobbies, be it spending time with my animals or immersing myself in the world of cars. It helps me recharge and face challenges with a fresh perspective.

Interviewer: Is there a specific mantra or philosophy that guides your life?

Kanav Singh Arora: “Stay true to yourself and your passions.” It’s essential to stay authentic and pursue what genuinely interests and motivates you.

Interviewer: As a young entrepreneur, what are some challenges you’ve faced, and how did you overcome them?

Kanav Singh: Balancing time and priorities has been a challenge. However, setting clear goals and staying organized has helped me overcome these challenges.

Interviewer: What role do your family and friends play in supporting your journey?

Kanav Singh: They are my pillars of support. Their encouragement and belief in my abilities motivate me to strive for excellence in both my academic and entrepreneurial pursuits.

Interviewer: With your interest in animals, do you have any future plans related to wildlife conservation or awareness?

Kanav Singh: It’s a possibility. I believe in using my platform for positive impact, and wildlife conservation is a cause close to my heart.

Interviewer: How do you stay updated with the latest trends and changes in the business and online world?

Kanav Singh: I’m an avid learner. I read, watch informative content, and actively engage with the online community to stay abreast of the latest trends and changes.

Interviewer: What advice would you give to aspiring young entrepreneurs who look up to you?

Kanav Singh: Believe in yourself, stay dedicated, and never be afraid to take risks. Success often comes to those who are willing to step out of their comfort zones.

Interviewer: As we wrap up, what’s one thing about you that your followers might be surprised to know?

Kanav Singh: Despite my online persona, I’m quite introverted in real life. I find solace in the simplicity of my personal space.

Interviewer: Thank you, Kanav, for sharing insights into your life and journey. It’s been a pleasure learning more about you.

Kanav Singh: Thank you for having me. It’s been a pleasure sharing my experiences.

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