
Who is Sampreeth Shivaiah Neeli?: An inspiring Indian author.

Interview with Sampreeth Shivaiah Neeli

Sampreeth Shivaiah Neeli, a Indian author hailing from Mahabubnagar, Telangana, a 28-year-old, embarked on his writing journey after a career in Agricultural Engineering. Transitioning from a teaching role to a prolific writer, Sampreeth has captivated readers with his heartfelt Telugu poetry, compelling short stories, and diverse literary works. With a portfolio spanning over 10 books, encompassing genres from poetry to historical fiction, Sampreeth’s dedication to storytelling reflects his profound connection to his cultural roots and his unwavering commitment to sharing narratives that resonate with readers worldwide.

Interviewer: Can you tell us about your background and how you started your journey as a writer?

Sampreeth Shivaiah Neeli: Certainly! I was born in Mahabubnagar, Telangana, India, in 1996. After graduating in Agricultural Engineering, I worked as a teaching assistant in a college. It was during this time away from home that I found solace in writing, expressing my thoughts through poetry.

Interviewer: What inspired you to transition from being a lecturer to a writer?

Sampreeth Shivaiah Neeli: The solitude of my workplace and the need to express my emotions and experiences inspired me to delve deeper into writing. It was a natural progression as I discovered the poetic beauty within my words and the joy of storytelling.

Interviewer: Could you share a bit about your first book, “Samudram Dachina Keratalu”?

Sampreeth Shivaiah Neeli: “Samudram Dachina Keratalu” is a collection of heartfelt Telugu poetry. Despite facing initial criticism, I decided to self-publish it, and it was a significant step in my journey as a writer.

Interviewer: What motivated you to write “Maarani Manushula Kathalu”?

Sampreeth Shivaiah Neeli: After the success of my first book, I wanted to explore storytelling further. “Maarani Manushula Kathalu” is a collection of 18 short stories across different genres, reflecting my evolution as a writer and storyteller.

Interviewer: Can you talk about your top 5 books and what makes each of them special to you?

Sampreeth Shivaiah Neeli: Certainly! “Maarani Manushula Kathalu” is special as it marks my transition from a lecturer to a writer. “Vedant Inevitable” is my debut English book, exploring time travel and historical science fiction. “Samudram Dachina Keratalu” holds sentimental value as my first published work. “Picchi Geethalu” showcases my talent for crafting Telugu poetry, while “Upgrades of Papaya” reflects my dedication to sharing knowledge.

Interviewer: You’ve written a diverse range of content, from poetry to technical articles. How do you balance different writing styles?

Sampreeth Shivaiah Neeli: I believe in following my passion and interests. Whether it’s poetry, stories, or technical articles, each form of writing allows me to express myself uniquely. Balancing them comes naturally as I let my creativity flow.

Interviewer: Can you share a bit about your experience writing for YouTube channels and covering various topics?

Sampreeth Shivaiah Neeli: Writing for YouTube channels has been an enriching experience. From business and political news to movie explanations and success stories, I enjoy the diversity of topics I get to explore through my writing.

Interviewer: What are some future projects or goals you have as a writer?

Sampreeth Shivaiah Neeli: I plan to continue exploring different genres and expanding my writing horizons. Collaborating with other writers and exploring new platforms are also on my agenda. Ultimately, my goal is to continue sharing stories that resonate with readers.

Interviewer: Mr. Sampreeth, Why is Telugu the paintbrush for your stories?

A: Because it’s not just words, it’s my heartbeat. It whispers dreams, remembers history, and sings through my characters. My stories bloom best in this garden of emotions, where every line resonates with the soul of my people. In Telugu, my words dance, laugh, and cry, building bridges that no translation can match. It’s not just how I write, it’s who I am.

Interviewer: Great! You’ve written over 1000 poems. How do you maintain creativity and inspiration for such a vast number of poems?

Sampreeth Shivaiah Neeli: I find inspiration in everyday experiences, emotions, and observations. Whether it’s the beauty of nature or the complexities of human relationships, there’s always something to write about.

Interviewer: Tell us about your process for writing one-liners. How do you distill your thoughts into concise yet impactful statements?

Sampreeth Shivaiah Neeli: One-liners require a lot of precision and clarity. I often draw inspiration from moments of introspection or sudden flashes of insight, distilling them into short, impactful statements.

Picchi geethalu

Upgrades of papaya


Maarani manushula kathalu

Samudram dachina keratalu

Interviewer: Writing over 500 articles is quite an accomplishment. How do you stay updated on diverse topics to write about?

Sampreeth Shivaiah Neeli: I believe in continuous learning and staying curious. I read extensively across various subjects and industries, keeping myself informed and inspired to write about diverse topics.

Interviewer: What inspired you to write “Chandamamala Kathalu,” a collection of stories completed within 200 minutes?

Sampreeth Shivaiah Neeli: “Chandamamala Kathalu” was a challenge I set for myself to test my creativity and storytelling abilities. The time constraint added an element of spontaneity and urgency, resulting in a unique collection of stories.

Interviewer: Can you share the inspiration behind “Upgrades of Papaya” and your collaboration with students on this project?

Sampreeth Shivaiah Neeli: “Upgrades of Papaya” was inspired by a research project on papaya value addition. Collaborating with students allowed me to share knowledge and foster creativity in exploring different ways to utilize a single fruit.

Interviewer: Releasing five books on the same day is impressive. How did you manage to accomplish such a feat?

Sampreeth Shivaiah Neeli: It was a culmination of months of hard work and dedication. Each book had its own unique journey from conception to publication, and releasing them together felt like a significant milestone in my writing career.

Interviewer: Among your books, which one was the most challenging to write, and why?

Sampreeth Shivaiah Neeli: “Vedant Inevitable” was perhaps the most challenging, as it was my first venture into English-language fiction. Balancing the intricacies of time travel with historical elements required meticulous planning and research.

Interviewer: How do you handle writer’s block, if you ever experience it?

Sampreeth Shivaiah Neeli: Writer’s block is a common challenge for writers. When it happens, I take a step back, engage in other creative activities, or simply take a break to recharge. Sometimes, inspiration strikes when you least expect it.

Interviewer: What advice would you give to aspiring writers?

Sampreeth Shivaiah Neeli: My advice would be to write from the heart, stay true to your voice, and never be afraid to experiment. Embrace feedback, stay disciplined in your writing routine, and above all, never give up on your passion for storytelling.

Interviewer: With such a prolific output, how do you manage your time effectively between writing, personal life, and other commitments?

Sampreeth Shivaiah Neeli: Time management is crucial. I prioritize tasks, set specific writing goals, and maintain a disciplined schedule. Balancing work, writing, and personal life requires careful planning and organization.

Interviewer: Your journey from a teaching assistant to a successful writer is inspiring. What lessons have you learned along the way?

Sampreeth Shivaiah Neeli: One of the most important lessons I’ve learned is to believe in myself and my abilities. Embracing criticism as constructive feedback and staying resilient in the face of challenges have also been key lessons in my journey.

Interviewer: How do you stay motivated and overcome self-doubt during the writing process?

Sampreeth Shivaiah Neeli: Surrounding myself with a supportive network of family, friends, and fellow writers helps keep me motivated. I also remind myself of my passion for writing and the impact my words can have on others.

Interviewer: What role does your cultural background and heritage play in influencing your writing?

Sampreeth Shivaiah Neeli: My cultural background and heritage are integral to my identity as a writer. They shape the themes, language, and perspectives in my writing, enriching my storytelling with diverse cultural nuances and experiences.

Interviewer: How do you approach research for your writing projects, especially for technical topics like agriculture?

Sampreeth Shivaiah Neeli: Research is essential, especially for technical topics. I utilize various resources, including academic journals, expert interviews, and online databases, to gather accurate and up-to-date information for my writing projects.

Interviewer: Can you share a memorable experience or encounter that deeply influenced your writing?

Sampreeth Shivaiah Neeli: One memorable experience was receiving a heartfelt letter from a reader expressing how my book had touched their life. It reinforced the power of storytelling and the profound impact words can have on others.

Interviewer: How do you approach the editing and revision process for your books and articles?

Sampreeth Shivaiah Neeli: Editing is a crucial part of the writing process. I revise my work multiple times, focusing on clarity, coherence, and impact. Seeking feedback from beta readers and editors also helps refine my writing further.

Interviewer: What are some common themes or messages that you explore in your writing?

Sampreeth Shivaiah Neeli: Themes of love, loss, resilience, and self-discovery often feature prominently in my writing. I aim to explore the human condition, emotions, and experiences in a way that resonates with readers on a deeper level.

Interviewer: How do you engage with your readers and build a community around your writing?

Sampreeth Shivaiah Neeli: I value reader feedback and interaction. I actively participate in book signings, literary events, and online platforms to connect with readers, share insights into my writing process, and foster a sense of community among fans.

Interviewer: What inspired you to explore different genres in your writing, from fantasy to comedy to mystery?

Sampreeth Shivaiah Neeli: I have always been drawn to storytelling in its various forms. Exploring different genres allows me to challenge myself creatively, experiment with new ideas, and cater to a diverse audience with varied interests.

Interviewer: How do you stay updated with industry trends and changes in the publishing landscape?

Sampreeth Shivaiah Neeli: I make it a point to stay informed through industry publications, networking with fellow authors and publishers, and attending literary conferences and workshops. Adapting to evolving trends ensures that my writing remains relevant and accessible to readers.

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Interviewer: What do you enjoy most about the writing process?

Sampreeth Shivaiah Neeli: The creative freedom and the ability to give life to characters and worlds are what I enjoy most about writing. It’s a deeply fulfilling process that allows me to explore my imagination and connect with others through storytelling.

Interviewer: How do you draw inspiration from your surroundings and incorporate them into your writing?

Sampreeth Shivaiah Neeli: I find inspiration in everyday moments, nature, people, and conversations. Observing the world around me with a curious and open mind often sparks ideas and themes that find their way into my writing.

Interviewer: What are some writing rituals or habits that help you get into the writing zone?

Sampreeth Shivaiah Neeli: I like to start my writing sessions with a cup of tea or coffee, surrounded by quiet and comfortable surroundings. Setting specific goals, such as word count targets or outlining scenes, also helps me stay focused and productive.

Interviewer: How do you handle negative feedback or criticism about your work?

Sampreeth Shivaiah Neeli: Negative feedback is part of the writing journey. Instead of dwelling on it, I view it as an opportunity for growth and improvement. I analyze the feedback objectively, extract valuable insights, and use them to refine my craft.

Interviewer: Can you share a sneak peek into any upcoming projects or books you’re working on?

Sampreeth Shivaiah Neeli: Currently, I’m working on a historical fiction novel set in ancient India, exploring themes of love, power, and destiny. I’m also collaborating on a poetry anthology with fellow writers, showcasing diverse voices and perspectives.

Interviewer: How do you strike a balance between writing for yourself and writing for your audience?

Sampreeth Shivaiah Neeli: While I write primarily for myself, I’m mindful of my audience’s expectations and interests. Balancing personal expression with reader engagement involves finding a middle ground that resonates authentically with both parties.

Interviewer: What role does storytelling play in shaping societal perspectives and fostering empathy?

Sampreeth Shivaiah Neeli: Storytelling has the power to transcend boundaries, bridge differences, and foster empathy by allowing readers to step into the shoes of characters from diverse backgrounds and experiences. It serves as a catalyst for understanding, connection, and positive social change.

Interviewer: How do you approach character development in your stories, particularly in your longer works like novels?

Sampreeth Shivaiah Neeli: Character development is essential for creating compelling and relatable narratives. I delve into my characters’ backgrounds, motivations, and desires, allowing them to evolve organically throughout the story based on their experiences and interactions.

Interviewer: What impact do you hope your writing will have on readers?

Sampreeth Shivaiah Neeli: I hope my writing sparks imagination, provokes thought, and evokes emotions in readers. Whether it’s bringing joy, inspiration, or introspection, I aim to leave a lasting impression that resonates long after the last page is turned.

Interviewer: How do you approach the use of language and symbolism in your poetry and prose?

Sampreeth Shivaiah Neeli: Language and symbolism are powerful tools for conveying deeper meanings and emotions in my writing. I strive to use them thoughtfully and creatively, enriching my poetry and prose with layers of interpretation and significance.

Interviewer: What advice would you give to writers struggling to find their voice or break through creative blocks?

Sampreeth Shivaiah Neeli: Trust yourself, embrace vulnerability, and don’t be afraid to take risks in your writing. Remember that creative blocks are temporary hurdles that can be overcome with patience, perseverance, and a willingness to explore new ideas and perspectives.

Interviewer: How do you think your background in agricultural engineering influences your writing style or thematic choices?

Sampreeth Shivaiah Neeli: My background in agricultural engineering provides a unique perspective that often finds its way into my writing, whether through themes of nature, sustainability, or the human connection to the land. It adds depth and authenticity to my storytelling, enriching it with diverse perspectives and experiences.

Interviewer: What legacy do you hope to leave through your writing?

Sampreeth Shivaiah Neeli: I hope to leave behind a legacy of storytelling that inspires, uplifts, and resonates with readers across generations. Whether through poetry, prose, or fiction, I aspire to touch hearts, ignite imaginations, and leave a lasting impact on the world through my words.

Interviewer: Thank you for sharing your insights and experiences with us, Sampreeth Shivaiah Neeli. It’s been a pleasure speaking with you.

Sampreeth Shivaiah Neeli: Thank you for having me. It’s been a pleasure discussing my journey and passion for writing.

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