
Who is Rahul Kumar?: The founder of Mashiva Technologies

Interview with Rahul Kumar: From Small-Town Dreamer to IT Entrepreneur and YouTube Sensation

Rahul Kumar is a young and dynamic entrepreneur from Darbhanga, Bihar, known for his innovative ventures in the IT industry. At just 22, he founded Mashiva Technologies Pvt Ltd, a rapidly growing company specializing in IT solutions. Alongside his business, Rahul is a popular YouTuber, sharing engaging gaming content on his channel “CS GAMER.” His entrepreneurial journey, marked by resilience and a drive for success, has transformed him from a small-town student into a rising business leader with a net worth of 10 million Indian Rupees.

Interviewer: Welcome, Rahul! Let’s start with the basics. Could you introduce yourself?

Rahul Kumar: Thank you! I’m Rahul Kumar, an entrepreneur, YouTuber, and WordPress designer from Darbhanga, Bihar. I’m 22 years old and the founder of Mashiva Technologies Pvt Ltd.

Interviewer: Can you tell us a bit about your early life and upbringing?

Rahul Kumar: I was born and raised in Darbhanga, Bihar, in a large family with six siblings. My parents instilled strong values in me, which shaped my drive for success from an early age.

Interviewer: What inspired you to become an entrepreneur?

Rahul Kumar: It was a series of setbacks, including getting scammed by a gaming app. Instead of letting it discourage me, I used that experience as motivation to start my own company.

Interviewer: What challenges did you face in the early stages of your career?

Rahul Kumar: One major challenge was dealing with scams, both financial and in business. Another challenge was building a reliable team, which didn’t work out as expected initially.

Interviewer: How did you overcome these setbacks?

Rahul Kumar: I decided to persist despite failures. I started from scratch, built my own company, and provided my team with all the resources they needed. Eventually, I had to adjust my approach and focus on my strengths.

Interviewer: Can you tell us more about Mashiva Technologies?

Rahul Kumar: Mashiva Technologies Pvt Ltd is my IT company that specializes in multi-brand IT products and services. We focus on delivering innovative solutions, and the company has grown steadily in the industry.

Interviewer: What other business ventures are you involved in?

Rahul Kumar: Aside from Mashiva Technologies, I run a gaming platform and have two retail stores in Darbhanga. I’m also launching a clothing line soon.

Interviewer: Your YouTube channel “CS GAMER” is quite popular. How did that start?

Rahul Kumar: During the lockdown, I started creating gaming content on Free Fire. The giveaways and custom matches helped build a loyal community, and now it’s a vital part of my career.

Interviewer: What does your channel focus on?

Rahul Kumar: It focuses on gaming, specifically Free Fire. I offer custom matches, giveaways, and engaging content for gamers, which has really resonated with my audience.

Interviewer: You seem to balance multiple ventures. How do you manage everything?

Rahul Kumar: It’s all about time management and focus. I prioritize my work and have a great team to help with different aspects of the business, which allows me to explore new opportunities.

Interviewer: What’s the story behind your company’s name, Mashiva Technologies?

Rahul Kumar: The name “Mashiva” doesn’t have a specific meaning. I wanted something unique and easy to remember, so the name just came to me when brainstorming ideas.

Interviewer: How do you stay motivated during tough times?

Rahul Kumar: I remind myself of why I started and the goals I have. Challenges are a part of any journey, and they push me to keep improving.

Interviewer: What advice would you give to young entrepreneurs?

Rahul Kumar: Don’t give up when things don’t go as planned. Failures are stepping stones to success. Also, build a strong network and keep learning.

Interviewer: How do you feel about your success at such a young age?

Rahul Kumar: It feels great, but I know there’s much more to achieve. I see this as just the beginning of my journey.

Interviewer: What is your daily routine like?

Rahul Kumar: My day usually starts early with planning. I spend a few hours on business operations, content creation for YouTube, and exploring new ideas for growth.

Interviewer: Who has been your biggest influence?

Rahul Kumar: My parents have been my biggest influence. Their support and values have guided me through every phase of my life.

Interviewer: How do you see the future of your company, Mashiva Technologies?

Rahul Kumar: I see Mashiva Technologies expanding globally, providing even more innovative solutions in the IT space, and venturing into new sectors like electronics and digital content.

Interviewer: What role has your family played in your journey?

Rahul Kumar: My family has been incredibly supportive. They’ve been my backbone through thick and thin, and their encouragement keeps me grounded.

Interviewer: What are your long-term goals?

Rahul Kumar: My long-term goal is to create a business empire that not only brings financial success but also provides employment and opportunities for others, especially in rural areas.

Interviewer: How do you handle failures?

Rahul Kumar: I see failures as lessons. Each failure has taught me something valuable, and I use that knowledge to avoid the same mistakes and move forward.

Interviewer: What’s your proudest achievement so far?

Rahul Kumar: My proudest achievement is launching Mashiwa Technologies and turning it into a profitable business. It’s proof that hard work and persistence pay off.

Interviewer: How important is financial independence to you?

Rahul Kumar: It’s very important. Financial independence not only allows me to live on my own terms but also helps me support my family and invest in future ventures.

Interviewer: What hobbies do you enjoy in your free time?

Rahul Kumar: I enjoy gaming, of course, but I also like exploring new tech and gadgets, as well as working on personal development.

Interviewer: Do you have any role models?

Rahul Kumar: Yes, Mahendra Singh Dhoni and Sushant Singh Rajput inspire me. Their work ethic, dedication, and calmness in the face of challenges are qualities I admire.

Interviewer: What’s your favorite book or quote?

Rahul Kumar: One of my favorite quotes is by Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam: “The most precious resource India has is its youth.” It always motivates me to make the most of my time.

Interviewer: What’s the biggest lesson you’ve learned so far?

Rahul Kumar: The biggest lesson I’ve learned is to trust the process. Success doesn’t come overnight. Consistency, hard work, and learning from failures are essential.

Interviewer: If you could go back in time, what would you do differently?

Rahul Kumar: I wouldn’t change much because every experience has taught me something valuable. Maybe I’d be more cautious about trusting people in the business world.

Interviewer: What excites you about the future?

Rahul Kumar: The potential for growth excites me the most. There are endless opportunities in tech, business, and content creation, and I’m eager to explore them.

Interviewer: Rahul, where do you see yourself in the next five years?

Rahul Kumar: In five years, I see myself scaling my businesses globally, exploring new industries, and continuing to inspire and help others through my journey.

Interviewer: Rahul, it’s incredible how much you’ve accomplished at such a young age. Can you walk us through your journey from your school days in Darbhanga to becoming a successful entrepreneur?

Rahul Kumar: Thank you! My journey has been quite eventful. Growing up in Darbhanga, I always had big dreams but limited resources. I went to Patel High School, where I did well academically but didn’t know what path I would follow. After completing school, I attended R.B. Jalan College in Bela Darbhanga, but my focus was always on finding ways to become financially independent. It was in 2020-2021 when I got scammed by a gaming app, which ironically ignited my entrepreneurial spirit. Instead of letting that experience defeat me, I saw it as a turning point. That’s when I decided to launch my own company, Mashiwa Technologies. From there, the journey has been about learning, overcoming challenges, and building something sustainable.

Interviewer: What was going through your mind when you first got scammed? How did you convert that negative experience into a driving force?

Rahul Kumar: At first, I was frustrated and disappointed. I had invested money into the app, only to realize I’d been tricked. But then, I had a realization: if someone can scam me using technology, why can’t I use technology to build something honest and impactful? That’s when I decided to dive deeper into IT and digital businesses. The incident motivated me to understand the industry better, and it also taught me to be cautious. I didn’t want anyone else to experience what I did, and I knew I could use my skills to create opportunities for others.

Interviewer: After you started Mashiva Technologies, what were some of the initial hurdles you faced? How did you tackle them?

Rahul Kumar: The initial hurdles were many. First, there was the issue of capital. Starting a business in the IT sector requires investment, and I didn’t have much money to begin with. I had to bootstrap everything. I also faced challenges in building a reliable team. At one point, I provided my friends with everything they needed—laptops, PCs, and financial support—but teamwork didn’t go as planned. It was frustrating because no results were showing. I had to step back, re-evaluate my strategy, and eventually focus on finding individuals who shared my vision and commitment.

Interviewer: How did you handle that moment when your team wasn’t delivering the results you expected? What were the lessons learned from that experience?

Rahul Kumar: It was tough, honestly. You expect your team to work as hard as you do, especially when you’re providing them with all the tools. But not everyone shares the same level of drive. The key lesson I learned was that passion cannot be forced. I needed people who were not just skilled but also motivated and aligned with the company’s vision. It also taught me the importance of leadership—communicating expectations clearly, setting realistic goals, and knowing when to let go of unproductive collaborations.

Interviewer: You’ve now expanded into multiple business areas, including IT, gaming, and retail. How do you identify the right opportunities for growth, and what drives you to keep expanding?

Rahul Kumar: I believe in diversification, especially in today’s fast-paced world where industries can change overnight. When I see an opportunity that aligns with my strengths and interests, I dive into it. For example, I saw the potential in the gaming industry during the lockdown, which led me to create a gaming platform. The same applies to retail—Darbhanga didn’t have many stores catering to certain needs, so I opened my own. My drive comes from a desire to create value. Whether it’s for gamers, customers, or businesses, I want to provide something unique that fills a gap in the market.

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Interviewer: Your YouTube channel, “CS GAMER,” has become a major part of your brand. What role has content creation played in your overall success?

Rahul Kumar: Content creation, especially on YouTube, has been pivotal for my growth. It allowed me to connect directly with an audience and build a community. My channel started as a way to share gaming content, but it quickly grew into a platform where I could engage with gamers, run contests, and provide value. It also served as a marketing tool for my other ventures. By offering Free Fire giveaways and custom matches, I gained loyal subscribers, many of whom became customers for my other businesses. YouTube has also helped me build a personal brand, which is critical in today’s digital world.

Interviewer: Given your busy schedule, how do you manage your time between running Mashiwa Technologies, maintaining your YouTube channel, and exploring new ventures?

Rahul Kumar: Time management is everything for me. I prioritize tasks based on urgency and importance. I also delegate a lot. At Mashiwa Technologies, I have a great team that manages day-to-day operations, which frees me up to focus on strategy and growth. For YouTube, I dedicate specific time slots during the week to create and edit content. I also take time to brainstorm new ideas for expansion. I think the key is balance—knowing when to focus on one thing and when to let others handle the rest.

Interviewer: With such a packed schedule, how do you maintain your mental and physical well-being?

Rahul Kumar: It’s definitely challenging, but I make sure to take breaks when needed. I enjoy gaming, so that’s a stress-buster for me. I also take time to reflect on my progress and plan ahead, which keeps me mentally focused. Physically, I try to stay active—whether it’s going for a walk or working out at home. I believe in the importance of maintaining a balance between work and personal life to stay at your best.

Interviewer: What would you say has been the most pivotal moment in your career so far?

Rahul Kumar: The most pivotal moment was when I decided to create my own gaming platform after the scam. That moment of failure was the turning point for me. It wasn’t just about recovering financially, but about proving to myself that I could take control of my destiny. That decision led me down a path where I learned so much about business, leadership, and resilience. It changed the way I approached every aspect of my life and career.

Interviewer: How do you approach innovation in your business? What keeps you ahead of the curve in such a competitive industry?

Rahul Kumar: Innovation is at the core of everything I do. In the IT industry, things change rapidly, so staying ahead means always learning, adapting, and experimenting. I keep a close eye on market trends and consumer needs. I also believe in feedback—whether from customers, my team, or my YouTube community. Their input helps me refine ideas and stay relevant. I take calculated risks and invest in research to explore new technologies and markets. Being flexible and open to change is what helps me stay competitive.

Interviewer: You mentioned earlier that you plan to open a clothing store. What motivated you to step into the fashion industry, and what can we expect from this new venture?

Rahul Kumar: The fashion industry has always intrigued me because it’s constantly evolving, much like technology. I noticed that in Darbhanga, there’s a growing demand for trendy, affordable clothing, especially among the younger generation. So, I decided to tap into that market. My clothing store will focus on modern styles while maintaining affordability. It’s another step toward diversifying my business portfolio, and I’m excited to see how it unfolds.

Interviewer: What role does your hometown, Darbhanga, play in your journey as an entrepreneur? How important is it to you?

Rahul Kumar: Darbhanga is where my journey began, so it holds a special place in my heart. It’s where I faced my first challenges and where I’m building my business empire. I want to give back to my community by creating jobs and opportunities here. It’s important to me that the youth in rural areas know they don’t have to leave their hometowns to achieve success. I want to inspire others from Darbhanga to dream big and pursue their passions.

Interviewer: How do you see the role of technology evolving in India, especially in rural areas like Darbhanga?

Rahul Kumar: Technology is a game-changer, especially for rural areas. The internet has bridged the gap between urban and rural India, providing access to education, employment, and entrepreneurship opportunities. I see more businesses embracing digital transformation, even in smaller towns. My goal is to make technology accessible to everyone, especially young people in rural areas. They can learn new skills, start businesses, and contribute to India’s growing digital economy.

Interviewer: What advice would you give to young people who are just starting out and want to build their own business?

Rahul Kumar: My advice would be to start small but think big. Don’t be afraid of failure—it’s part of the journey. Use every setback as a learning experience. Surround yourself with people who believe in your vision, and be prepared to work hard. Most importantly, stay focused and patient. Success doesn’t come overnight, but with persistence and dedication, you can achieve anything you set your mind to.

Interviewer: What do you think is the key to long-term success in business?

Rahul Kumar: The key to long-term success is adaptability. You have to be willing to change and evolve with the market. Innovation, consistency, and customer satisfaction are also crucial. Building relationships and staying grounded in your values will help you sustain your business in the long run. Lastly, never stop learning—keep improving yourself and your business.

Interviewer: Where do you envision Mashiva Technologies in the next 10 years?

Rahul Kumar: In the next 10 years, I see Mashiva Technologies expanding globally. We’re already working on some exciting projects in IT, and I want to continue growing in areas like AI, blockchain, and e-commerce. I also want to venture into education technology, helping people in rural areas gain access to high-quality learning resources. My vision is to build an empire that not only creates wealth but also empowers others to succeed.

Interviewer: Thank you, Rahul, for taking the time to share your incredible journey and insights. It’s been truly inspiring!

Rahul Kumar: Thank you! It’s been a pleasure talking with you. I hope my journey inspires others to pursue their dreams and stay resilient in the face of challenges.

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