
Who is Afif Zaman?: The Visionary CEO and Co-Founder of Bizhub

Afif Zaman: The Visionary CEO and Co-Founder of Bizhub

Afif Zaman, the dynamic CEO and Co-Founder of Bizhub, is a beacon of entrepreneurial spirit in the bustling landscape of Dubai, United Arab Emirates. Born on November 20, 1998, and hailing from Bangladesh, this 25-year-old trailblazer has carved a niche for himself in the world of business setup and company formation, helping individuals and businesses realize their dreams of establishing a presence in the UAE. With a Bachelors in Business Administration, Afif’s journey from a business setup advisor to a successful entrepreneur is both inspiring and instructive.

Early Life and Background

Afif Zaman was raised in the vibrant city of Dubai, United Arab Emirates. Growing up in a cosmopolitan environment where tradition meets modernity, Afif was exposed to diverse cultures and business opportunities from a young age. His upbringing in the UAE, a global business hub, provided him with a unique perspective on entrepreneurship and international trade. This dynamic environment fostered his entrepreneurial spirit and instilled in him the ambition to make a significant impact in the business world.

Educational Journey

Afif’s academic pursuits in Business Administration provided him with a solid foundation in business principles and practices. His education not only equipped him with the necessary knowledge but also sparked his interest in the intricacies of business management and entrepreneurship. This academic background was instrumental in his eventual decision to venture into the business setup industry in the UAE.

The Genesis of Bizhub

Before founding Bizhub, Afif worked as a business setup advisor in a reputable firm in the UAE. This experience, while valuable, exposed him to the ethical shortcomings prevalent in high-end corporate environments. Witnessing the lack of empathy and the relentless focus on numbers over client satisfaction, Afif realized that a change was necessary. He believed that clients deserved better, and this conviction led to the birth of Bizhub.

In partnership with his best friend and business ally, Nazumus Sakib, Afif envisioned a company that prioritized client relationships, ethical practices, and community building. They aimed to create a platform where fresh entrepreneurs could not only start their businesses but also learn the importance of networking and mutual growth. What started as a two-person venture has now grown into a thriving enterprise with a dedicated team of 11 professionals.

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Bizhub’s Mission and Vision

Bizhub is not just a business setup firm; it is a community where aspiring entrepreneurs can find the support and resources they need to succeed. The company assists clients with relocating to the UAE, forming their dream companies, and obtaining UAE residency. This comprehensive approach ensures that clients receive holistic support, making their transition smooth and hassle-free.

Afif’s vision for Bizhub extends beyond mere business transactions. He sees it as a platform for education and empowerment, where youngsters who work with him are taught the value of networking and building meaningful relationships through meeting clients. For Afif, making money is a bonus; the real reward lies in helping others achieve their dreams and contributing to their growth.

Personal Interests and Hobbies

While Afif’s dedication to his business leaves little room for hobbies, he enjoys playing PlayStation and networking in his spare time. These activities provide him with a much-needed break from his intense professional life, allowing him to unwind and recharge. However, his primary focus remains on Bizhub, which he considers not just a business but an obsession. Afif’s passion for his work is evident in his commitment to learning about various businesses and helping clients navigate their entrepreneurial journeys.

Ethical Entrepreneurship

Afif’s decision to start Bizhub was driven by his desire to uphold ethical standards in business. His experiences as a business setup advisor revealed the unethical practices that often plagued the industry, where clients were treated as mere numbers rather than individuals with unique needs and aspirations. This realization fueled his determination to create a company that valued empathy and integrity above all else.

Bizhub’s growth from a two-person startup to an 11-member team is a testament to the success of Afif’s vision. The firm’s focus on ethical practices and client satisfaction has resonated with many, attracting a diverse clientele who appreciate the personalized service and genuine care they receive.

Mentorship and Support

Afif attributes much of his success to the mentorship and support he has received from his family and close friends. His mentor, in particular, has played a significant role in guiding him through the challenges of entrepreneurship. This support network has provided him with the strength and encouragement needed to persevere in the face of adversity.

The Role of Family

Family has always been a cornerstone of Afif’s life. Growing up in a family that experienced both wealth and financial crisis taught him the importance of resilience and hard work. These lessons have been invaluable in his entrepreneurial journey, helping him navigate the ups and downs of business with grace and determination.

Entrepreneurial Philosophy

Afif’s entrepreneurial philosophy is rooted in passion and purpose. He believes that true success comes from pursuing one’s passions rather than chasing money. This mindset has been a driving force behind Bizhub’s growth and success. By focusing on helping others and creating value, Afif has built a business that not only thrives financially but also makes a positive impact on the lives of many.

Challenges and Triumphs

Like any entrepreneur, Afif has faced numerous challenges on his journey. From the initial struggles of setting up Bizhub to the ongoing challenges of running a growing business, he has encountered many obstacles. However, his unwavering commitment to his vision and his passion for his work have helped him overcome these hurdles.

One of the significant challenges Afif faced was establishing credibility in a competitive market. Gaining the trust of clients and differentiating Bizhub from other firms required a relentless focus on quality and customer service. Afif’s dedication to ethical practices and client satisfaction has been instrumental in building Bizhub’s reputation as a trusted partner for business setup in the UAE.

The Future of Bizhub

Looking ahead, Afif envisions a bright future for Bizhub. He aims to expand the company’s reach, helping more entrepreneurs realize their dreams of setting up businesses in the UAE. With a growing team and a solid reputation, Bizhub is well-positioned to achieve even greater success in the coming years.

Afif also plans to continue fostering a sense of community among his clients and team members. He believes that creating a supportive environment where individuals can learn and grow together is key to long-term success. By nurturing this community, Afif hopes to inspire the next generation of entrepreneurs and contribute to the overall growth and development of the UAE’s business landscape.


Afif Zaman’s journey from a business setup advisor to the CEO and Co-Founder of Bizhub is a story of passion, perseverance, and ethical entrepreneurship. His dedication to helping others and his commitment to ethical practices have set Bizhub apart in a competitive industry. With a clear vision and a supportive community, Afif continues to inspire and empower aspiring entrepreneurs, making a positive impact on the business landscape of the UAE.

In a world where numbers often overshadow human values, Afif’s approach to business serves as a reminder that empathy, integrity, and passion are the true drivers of success. As Bizhub continues to grow and evolve, there is no doubt that Afif Zaman will remain at the forefront, leading with vision, compassion, and unwavering dedication to his clients and his craft.

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