
Who is Md Julfikar Ali?: A poetry writer from Muzaffarpur, Bihar

Interview with Md Julfikar Ali, Poetry Writer

Md Julfikar Ali, a poetry writer from Muzaffarpur, Bihar, India, is making waves in the world of emotions and verse. Born on July 22, 22-year-old, this Muslim poet finds inspiration in the vibrant cultural tapestry of Bihar and his current residence in Guwahati. Balancing his passion for poetry with a B.Com education and active involvement in a family business, Md Julfikar Ali has published his book, “दिल ऐ ज़ज्बात,” available on platforms like Amazon and Flipkart. Beyond words, he crafts stories that intertwine with his poetic themes, creating a unique blend of tradition and innovation. With a significant online presence, Md Julfikar Ali leverages technology to share his emotions globally, welcoming readers to explore the profound journey of love and human experiences through his heartfelt verses. Connect with him on Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube to delve into the poetic world he passionately crafts.

Interviewer: Md Julfikar Ali, it’s a pleasure to have you with us. Could you share a bit about how you ventured into the world of poetry writing?

Md Julfikar Ali: Thank you for having me. I discovered my love for poetry at a young age, and over the years, it became a means of expressing my emotions and thoughts. I started sharing my work, and the positive response encouraged me to pursue it further.

Interviewer: Apart from poetry, do you have any other interests that you actively pursue?

Md Julfikar Ali: Yes, I’m also passionate about Shayari, storytelling, and writing. These interests allow me to explore different aspects of creativity and connect with my audience in diverse ways.

Interviewer: As a poetry writer, what are your thoughts on the role of your field in contributing to innovation for society?

Md Julfikar Ali: Poetry has the power to evoke emotions and spark contemplation. I believe it can inspire change and contribute to societal progress by addressing various issues. Creativity, in any form, has the potential to ignite positive transformations.

Interviewer: Md Julfikar Ali, family often plays a significant role in shaping one’s perspective and creative endeavors. How has your family influenced your journey as a poetry writer?

Md Julfikar Ali: My family is my anchor. They have been a constant source of support and encouragement. My father, Md Murtuza Ansari, and my mother, Asama Khatoon, instilled in me a love for language and expression. Growing up with siblings, especially my sister Jyoti Gupta, and brothers Md Estekhab Ali and Afsad Ali, provided a diverse range of perspectives that often find their way into my poetry.

Interviewer: Can you share any specific moments or experiences within your family that have directly influenced some of your poetic creations?

Md Julfikar Ali: Absolutely. Family gatherings, celebrations, and even moments of reflection with my siblings have sparked ideas for many poems. Their experiences, emotions, and the shared memories often become the raw material for my verses.

Interviewer: As someone engaged in both poetry and business with your family, how do you find a balance between professional responsibilities and the personal connections within your family?

Md Julfikar Ali: It’s a delicate balance, but family is my priority. The understanding and support from each member make it possible to pursue both poetry and business without compromising the essence of either.

Interviewer: With a sister and brothers, do you find any collaborative moments where your creative expressions intersect with their talents or interests?

Md Julfikar Ali: Absolutely. My sister, Jyoti Gupta, shares a passion for storytelling, and we often collaborate on creative projects. It’s a beautiful synergy where our individual strengths come together to create something meaningful.

Interviewer: How has your family’s feedback, especially from your parents and siblings, shaped the evolution of your poetry and writing style?

Md Julfikar Ali: Their feedback is invaluable. Their insights help me refine my work, and their emotional resonance with my poetry serves as a compass, guiding me toward authentic expressions that connect with a broader audience.

Interviewer: In the context of family, are there any specific themes or emotions that you find yourself revisiting in your poetry?

Md Julfikar Ali: Family, love, and the complexities of human relationships are recurrent themes. The emotions tied to familial bonds provide a rich tapestry for poetic exploration.

Interviewer: Is there anything else you’d like to share about yourself or your work?

Md Julfikar Ali: Absolutely. My book, “दिल ऐ ज़ज्बात,” is available on various platforms, including Amazon, Flipkart, and in local markets. Additionally, I’m active on social media – you can find me on Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube. I welcome everyone to connect and explore the world of emotions through my poetry.

Interviewer: Thank you, Md Julfikar Ali, for sharing insights into your life and work. We appreciate your time.

Md Julfikar Ali: Thank you. It’s been a pleasure. If anyone wants to reach out, my email is [email protected].

Interviewer: Md Julfikar Ali, let’s delve deeper. Can you share your perspective on how your educational background in B.Com complements or influences your poetry writing?

Md Julfikar Ali: Certainly. My education provides a unique lens to observe life, incorporating financial nuances into my poetic expressions. It adds depth and diversity to my work.

Interviewer: Being involved in a family business, how do you balance your entrepreneurial responsibilities with your passion for poetry?

Md Julfikar Ali: It’s about finding harmony. Poetry is my emotional outlet, and the business side allows me to provide for my family. Both aspects complement each other, providing a balanced life.

Interviewer: Your book, “दिल ऐ ज़ज्बात,” is available on various platforms. What inspired you to publish it, and what do you hope readers take away from it?

Md Julfikar Ali: Publishing the book was a way to share my emotions with a broader audience. I hope readers resonate with the feelings expressed and find solace or inspiration in the verses.

Interviewer: Besides writing, do you engage in any activities or practices to fuel your creative process?

Md Julfikar Ali: Nature and introspection play vital roles. I often take walks, immerse myself in the beauty of the surroundings, and reflect on life. These moments inspire fresh perspectives for my writing.

Interviewer: Moving to social media, how do you perceive its impact on modern poetry, and how has it influenced your reach as a poet?

Md Julfikar Ali: Social media has democratized poetry, providing a platform for diverse voices. It’s a powerful tool to connect with a global audience, allowing me to share my work with people from different walks of life.

Interviewer: With a significant online presence, how do you navigate the fine line between personal and public aspects of your life on social media?

Md Julfikar Ali: Striking a balance is crucial. I share my creative journey and snippets of my personal life, fostering a genuine connection with my audience while maintaining some privacy.

Interviewer: Reflecting on your journey so far, what has been the most memorable or impactful moment in your career as a poetry writer?

Md Julfikar Ali: The first time someone told me that my poetry resonated with them was truly special. It affirmed that my words had the power to touch hearts and make a meaningful impact.

Interviewer: Looking ahead, are there specific themes or topics you plan to explore in your future poetry?

Md Julfikar Ali: I’m inclined towards themes of love, human emotions, and societal issues. I aim to continue exploring these facets, offering fresh perspectives through my poetic expressions.

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Interviewer: Your book is available on various platforms. Are there any upcoming projects or collaborations that your readers can look forward to?

Md Julfikar Ali: I’m working on new projects and potential collaborations. Stay tuned for more poetic creations and expressions of emotions in the near future.

Interviewer: Exploring your interests, you mentioned storytelling. Can you share a brief about the type of stories you enjoy crafting, and do they intersect with your poetic themes?

Md Julfikar Ali: Absolutely. I find joy in weaving narratives that often align with the emotional themes of my poetry. Stories allow me to delve deeper into the intricacies of human experiences.

Interviewer: As a young poet, how do you perceive the evolving landscape of contemporary poetry, and what role do you see yourself playing in it?

Md Julfikar: Contemporary poetry is dynamic, embracing diverse voices and styles. I aspire to contribute by offering a blend of tradition and innovation, bringing unique perspectives to the poetic realm.

Interviewer: Given your background in Bihar and your current residence in Guwahati, do these diverse cultural influences find a place in your poetry?

Md Julfikar: Absolutely. The rich cultural tapestry of both Bihar and Assam deeply influences my work. It adds layers to my poetry, reflecting the diversity and vibrancy of these regions.

Interviewer: In your book, “दिल ऐ ज़ज्बात,” are there specific poems that hold personal significance or carry profound meanings for you?

Md Julfikar: Each poem is a piece of my heart, but if I had to choose, “इश्क़ का सफर” holds a special place. It encapsulates the journey of love and resonates with many readers.

Interviewer: Connecting with your audience on various platforms, what role do your followers play in shaping your creative direction?

Md Julfikar: My followers are an integral part of my creative journey. Their feedback and engagement inspire me to explore new themes and experiment with different poetic styles.

Interviewer: Moving to the digital realm, how do you leverage technology to enhance your creative process and reach a wider audience?

Md Julfikar: Technology has been a game-changer. It allows me to connect with a global audience, share my work instantly, and gather insights that shape my writing journey.

Interviewer: Looking ahead, do you have any aspirations beyond poetry, such as exploring other art forms or collaborating with artists from different fields?

Md Julfikar: I’m open to exploring various artistic collaborations. Poetry is a versatile medium, and I’m eager to blend it with other art forms to create immersive experiences for my audience.

Interviewer: As we conclude, is there a message or advice you would like to share with aspiring poets or those who are just starting their creative journeys?

Md Julfikar: Embrace your unique voice. Don’t be afraid to express your emotions authentically. Every poet has a distinct story to tell, and the world is eager to hear yours.

Thank you, Md Julfikar Ali, for sharing your insights and inspirations. We wish you continued success in your creative endeavors.

Connect with Md Julfikar Ali:

• Email: [email protected].

Social Media Links:

• Instagram: jrjulfikar786

• Facebook: julfikarali786

• Twitter: Julfikar6719248

• YouTube Main Channel: JyotiAndJulfikar

Book Links:

BOOK NAME- दिल ए ज़ज्बात







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