
Who is Sarwar Azam?: A Visionary Entrepreneur and Political Consultant.

Sarwar Azam: A Visionary Entrepreneur and Political Consultant Making Waves in India

In the bustling landscape of Indian entrepreneurship and politics, one name stands out prominently – Sarwar Azam. At the age of 31, he has already carved a niche for himself as the founder of Zombie Marketers Pvt Ltd, a thriving marketing company that not only offers digital and outdoor marketing services but also plays a crucial role in shaping political campaigns.

Early Life and Education

Born in 1992 in Purnia, Bihar, Sarwar hails from a political family deeply rooted in the Bihar landscape. Raised in an environment that was a blend of political discussions and social responsibility, Sarwar imbibed the essence of his family’s legacy. His pursuit of knowledge led him to attain a Master’s degree in Sociology from IGNOU, setting a strong foundation for his future endeavors.

The Entrepreneurial Journey

In 2020, Sarwar took the leap into entrepreneurship by establishing Zombie Marketers Pvt Ltd. The company quickly gained traction in the competitive world of marketing, offering a comprehensive suite of digital marketing solutions and outdoor marketing services. The onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, which proved to be a challenging period for many, turned out to be a transitional phase for Sarwar. His business flourished as clients sought digital services during this time, marking the beginning of an upward trajectory.

Sarwar Azam attributes the success of his venture to the invaluable contributions of his dedicated team. Comprising talented young minds, his team played a pivotal role in steering the company to new heights. With unwavering support from both his teammates and clients, Sarwar’s startup not only survived the initial challenges but thrived in a dynamic market.

Political Consultancy and Rising Demand

Beyond the realms of marketing, Sarwar Azam is known for his keen interest and in-depth knowledge of politics. Over the years, he has provided political consultancy to a diverse clientele, ranging from district-level candidates to those contesting in assembly and parliamentary elections. His astute opinions and well-crafted campaigns have garnered widespread appreciation, leading to a rising demand for his consultancy services.

Targeting Startups for Growth

One distinctive aspect of Zombie Marketers is its focus on startups. Sarwar believes that startups require extensive support and guidance during their inception, often hesitant to allocate significant budgets to marketing efforts. Recognizing this gap, Sarwar and his company step in, providing tailored services that align with the convenience of startup clients. The ethos is simple – they grow together. This approach has not only positioned Zombie Marketers as a go-to agency for startups but has also solidified Sarwar’s reputation as a visionary entrepreneur.

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Balancing Business and Political Endeavors

Apart from his successful marketing venture, Sarwar Azam is involved in political consultations for candidates across various parties and independents. The dual role he plays reflects his versatility and commitment to contributing meaningfully to both sectors. The amalgamation of business acumen and political insights sets him apart in a landscape where these domains often operate in silos.

Personal Touch: Jacky – The Entrepreneur with a Heart

Known affectionately as “Jacky” by friends and family, Sarwar Azam brings a personal touch to his professional endeavors. His charismatic personality and hands-on approach have endeared him to those he works with, fostering a culture of collaboration and mutual growth.


At 31, Sarwar Azam’s journey is a testament to the power of vision, dedication, and adaptability. From the political landscape of Bihar to the dynamic world of digital marketing, he has seamlessly navigated diverse terrains, leaving an indelible mark. As he continues to steer Zombie Marketers towards greater heights, it is evident that Sarwar Azam’s influence extends beyond business; it permeates into the very fabric of Indian entrepreneurship and politics.

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